Public speaking
Civvy to Commando Founder and CEO, David Coleman has grown from having a stammer as a child and being unable to answer his own name, all the way to delivering motivational and inspiring speeches to large audiences all around the world.

David shares his personal story of growing up with a stammer and passing Royal Marines basic training at only 16 years old, all the way to being injured in a grenade blast in Afghanistan aged only 18, fighting to recover from his injuries to re-join his teammates on the frontline, saving migrants from storms who were stranded at sea, to overcoming the mental health struggles that came with this.
Other popular topics such as Mindset, Mental Health & Resilience,
Overcoming Adversity, Elite Leadership and The Commando Spirit
are all relatable to the corporate environment, with lots of useful
take away points to implement within your own team.

I first met DC in May 2023 when I attended the C2C weekend. My motivation for doing the weekend was to benchmark myself from both a physical and mental resilience aspect, with much younger recruits, most of whom want a career in the Royal Marines. I genuinely loved the whole experience but in reality I gained so much more than what I was hoping for.
What impressed me was how quickly the DS we able to take control of the group immediately gaining the respect of all the recruits. This was done with what I would describe as first class leadership, a combination of directing, challenging and supporting. I really saw people grow throughout the weekend and a team culture was quickly established. During the determination tests all recruits pulled together and supported each other as needed. All the recruits who started the determination test successfully completed.
During the weekend I saw a lot of cross over from the military with respect to leadership and teams within the corporate world. Since the weekend I have engaged with DC supporting me in a culture/leadership transformation program that we had already initiated with Bosch UK.
The first step was we invited DC into Bosch to talk to a group of leaders where topics like Royal Marines mindset, resilience and metal health were discussed. DC's story was highly impactful, very moving and inspiring. This has left a significant impression on people and several months later this still remains a topic of discussion.
We have agreed plans, tailored for our needs, regarding how we progress these topics further with the support of DC and the team at C2C. Exciting times ahead!
Derek Newsome
Director of Global Operations
Bosch Mobility Services and Solutions